Digital painting is commonly used in visual effects post production workflows. From a local TV commercial ad film to Hollywood visual effects there are variety of creative demands which can be catered by a Digital Painting Artist. Some of the responsibilities that an Individual can choose as a job are VFX Cleanup Artist, Matte Paint Artist, as well as Prep Artist.
Digital Paint course covers digital painting techniques such as Clean-plate, Matte Paint, Frame by Frame texture animation, Track, Match-move, Warping, Fundamentals of 3D Projection and node based compositing. These techniques can cater to Visual effects production to deliver tasks such as Matte Paint, Wire and Rig Removals, character De-Aging, Chroma Cleanups, PIP compositing, Set extension as well as occluded surface recreation.
VFX Digital Paint – Full Time : 02 Months Classroom Training
Advance VFX Digital Paint – Full Time : 04 Months Classroom Training
Career Ahead
- VFX Digital Paint Artist
- VFX CleanUp Artist
- VFX Matte Painter
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